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Belmont Primary


2023/2024 School Year

9th May 2024
The neighbourhood police officers came to visit to tell us about their jobs and...
9th May 2024
Today we measured length using non-standard units. We used rulers, lollipop sticks,...
9th May 2024
We had loads of fun today in the garden taking photos of items with different colours. ...
9th May 2024
The sun was shining this afternoon as we went outside to practise our segmenting...
8th May 2024
We had an outdoor maths Bingo lesson today at the picnic tables. The sun felt very...
7th May 2024
We really enjoy learning through our outdoor play based learning. We worked together...
7th May 2024
We worked in pairs to blend the sounds on our word cards together. We had to then...
6th May 2024
This week, Belmont Primary School had their first ever Sport’s Day and it’s...
4th May 2024
We’ve been learning to read o’clock times. In pairs we made our own...