Access Keys:

Belmont Primary

Welcome Back!

5th Mar 2021

Dear Parents,

We are so delighted to be welcoming all our pupils back on Monday morning - we cannot wait to see them all again and hear all their news! The procedures we had put in place for last term remain as before and a reminder is given below:

Arrival at School

Start times are staggered to avoid congestion and we request one adult brings a child to limit adult numbers in our school grounds.  Children with surnames beginning A-L should arrive outside classroom doors between 8.35am and 8.50pm whilst children with surnames beginning M-Z should arrive between 8.50am and 9.05am.  Please adhere to these times at all times.  Our one way system remains in place. A rainbow line also remains in place and we would ask parents to stay behind those lines and maintain social distancing when on our premises.  The class teacher will be at the door each morning to greet the children (and apply a little sanitiser).  Your child should not use the trim trail at this time.

During School

Your child has been placed in a whole class bubble as you know.  Breaks and lunchtimes have been staggered to ensure children can enjoy interaction with others in their own bubble only.  At the minute, hot school meals are still not available.  However, a packed lunch for those entitled to free school meals can be arranged via the office.  All children should bring a packed lunch and a small snack for break in a wipe clean lunchbox.  A named water bottle with water or milk should also be sent in.  Please do not send in school bags or other items- a plastic homework folder will be provided.


The End of the Day

Again times are staggered and should be adhered to.  Children with surnames beginning A-L should be collected between 2pm and 2.15pm whilst children with surnames beginning with M-Z should go home between 2.15pm and 2.30pm.  The one way system remains in operation.


Covid 19 Symptoms

Children must NOT come to school if they appear unwell or develop any of the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature
  • A new continuous cough (coughing a lot for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in a 24 hour period)
  • Anosmia (loss of or a change to normal sense of smell or taste)

Please keep us informed of any illness and do not give your child Calpol before coming to school. 

if your contact details have changed this term, please ensure the office is informed.

Please be assured that Belmont is still Belmont and the daily procedures will be very natural and will reinforce good hygiene and protective measures without worrying children. 


Finally, a huge thank you for all you have done over these months of remote learning.  We really appreciate the hard work you have done and the level of communication you have maintained with us.  We really have missed your children and have many lovely activities planned for next week to help every pupil reconnect with their friends and teachers and to ensure they are emotionally, mentally and physically ready to learn.  Your children have been amazing throughout this time of great change for them and it is lovely that we can return to some form of normality.  Roll on Monday at Belmont!

With very best wishes


O Mcilroy