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Belmont Primary

P2SM Belmont Road Shopping Trip

23rd Jan 2020

P2 and some of our mums enjoyed a walk down the Belmont Road this morning. We looked at the different types of shops there are in our local community. We saw a bakery, travel agents, opticians, cafes, hairdresser, barber, cinema and even a wedding shop! How lucky are we to live in such a vibrant area?! 

We had a special tour of Tesco by Paula. We saw the store rooms, the huge freezers and the ovens for baking croissants and baguettes. We did some shopping of our own and looked at the food labels to see where in the world the foods were grown. We found broccoli from Spain, grapes from The Netherlands and avocado from Israel!

After that we visited Coffey's butcher shop where we were treated to some delicious sausages and heard about where the different meats come from. They even showed us how they 'knit' the sausages. 

Our grand finale was buying a treat from Neal who came to our school in his ice cream van - a shop on wheels! 

We had so much fun. It really brought our World Around Us theme to life.