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Belmont Primary

P2DG Virtual Classroom Visit

16th Dec 2020

Normally at this time of year you would be coming so see our P2 Nativity performance and then your child would take you to see all of their fantastic work on display in their classroom.  I don't need to tell you why that cant happen, however I hope we have come up with an alternative. 

The class are so excited at this time of year and their Christmas crafts mean so much to them.  They constantly ask and look forward to bringing them home to show them off and tell you all about them.  Christmas is such a special time to be in school, as I'm sure you will agree that it is your children that make it magical and exciting.   

Enjoy getting a little peek inside our special bubble.  See if you can spot your child's hard work (which will come home soon).

The children and I feel that this is a perfect way to include you in celebrating Christmas with us.

Have a fantastic healthy Christmas and Mrs Quinn and I will look forward to seeing you back in the new year.

Mrs G x