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Belmont Primary

P2DG Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day

8th Feb 2022

Two very important topics to enjoy on our week before half term.  

Throughout the week we are doing different activities linked to children’s mental health.  The theme this year is growth and how their brains are always growing and how they can encourage that growth by doing different things to look after their brain and feel more positive.  I did a little relaxation session with the class and once they got used to lying still and relaxing, they didn’t want it to end.  I have told them that they should try it at home and get everyone involved as it is so important to have some time out.  Watch the video below for a sneak preview 😌

We introduced and discussed the importance of internet safety last term when the class all received their ‘I’m a protector’ ⭐️ stars.  Today was a great opportunity to recap the importance of being safe when being online and what things are safe to share and not safe to share e.g personal information.  We also read a story called ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’ which reinforced how easily it is to make mistakes when online.  This story is on YouTube so you may want to share it again with your child or other siblings 😊